Here below a selection of hotels in Trieste, which will offer you a dedicated reduced fee for your stay during BSBF2024.
Please contact the hotels directly and indicate the code BSBF2024 to customize your reservation.
Economy dus/dbl
Euro 108,90
Standard dus/dbl
Euro 130,90
Deluxe dus/dbl
Euro 152,90
Triple dus
Euro 165,00
Single room
Euro 122,00
Double single use
Euro 155,00
Standard single/double
Euro 200,00
Single room
Euro 230,00
Standard single/double
Euro 120,00
Standard single/double
Euro 140,00
Standard single/double
Euro 160,00
Standard single/double
Euro 200,00
Double single use
Euro 169,00
Apt single use
Euro 140,00
Apt single use
Euro 110,00
Apt single use
Euro 180,00
Apt single use
Euro 150,00
Dus Superior
Euro 240,00
Dus Deluxe
Euro 270,00
by sending in the following Form
Standard single/double
Euro 190,00
Single room
Euro 170,00
Double room
Euro 200,00
Double single use
Euro 180,00
Double room
Euro 195,00