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The WBSBF Recognition Award

On the occasion of the BSBF 2024, we consolidate the criteria for the WBSBF Award, taking into account the lessons learnt from the Award of 2022, mainly regarding the particularities of gender equality and diversity Networks.
The purpose of this Award is to recognize, celebrate, and encourage successful actions by organizations and projects aiming to advance gender equality and diversity in the Big Science – ecosystem. In particular, raise awareness on the gender issue, and increase the proportion of women amongst staff and users of research facilities, across all leadership and decision-making positions in the private and public organizations active in Big Science.

The guidance documents in the attachment, as done in 2022, have been developed to help formally constituted organizations and projects to apply for the Award. Specific application guidance documents are available for the Networks.
The Three Levels of achievement introduced in Granada 2022 are maintained: Level 1 celebrates advances in Organizational Culture, Level 2 in Collaborative Partnerships, and Level 3 in Societal Impact.
For the Networks, the novelty of the 2024 Award, are considered the three levels: Level LN1 – Actions to improve individual professional growth; Level LN2- Actions to promote diversity and inclusion in the organizations directly connected to the network, and Level LN3 – Actions to foster cooperation among diverse entities and influence policy or decision-makers, and/or promote and foster the importance of big science projects in society.

In the attachment, the Terms of Reference for the Evaluators are provided to guide the assessment of applications.

The Posters will be exposed for the full BSBF event to allow all the participants to BSBF to go through the Posters and exchange experiences with the Authors. The Women in Big Science Award Ceremony will take place at the Big Science Business Forum (BSBF), on 1st October 2024 in Trieste.


Guidance for organisations on how to participate, what evidence to provide, and how applications will be evaluated


L1 – Advances in Organizational Culture
L2 – Advances  in Collaborative Partnerships
L3 – Advances in Societal Impact

LN1 – Actions to improve individual professional growth
LN2 – Actions to promote diversity and inclusion in the organization(s) directly connected to the network
LN3 – Actions to foster cooperation among diverse entities and influence policy or decision-makers, and/or promote and foster the importance of big science projects in society

Terms of Reference for Evaluators of Applications

Technology Transfer Track Call

Call for partnership and funding of BSBF2024 – Big Science Business Forum

The TTT call aims to create an enabling environment for knowledge and technology transfer networking to foster cross-sectoral technology transfer from/to Big Science market research infrastructure as well as to identify funding opportunities to get this knowledge and technology off the ground.
The participation in this call provides an opportunity for industries and BSO representatives to:

  • Present their poster to a qualified audience/target
  • See the presentation of their innovative solution/new technology/funding opportunity and their institutional branding posted on the BSBF2024 website
  • Track stakeholder interest in the event through the tools available on the event app.

The objective of the Technology Transfer track is to provide Research Infrastructures and companies attending the forum the means to share and seek technologies with potential cross-market applications, either in Big Science or in other markets and to finance them.

Please apply for your call for partnership or call for funding by sending both the description and the short presentation to before 31st August 2024. Please use the following templates.

Call for partnership, knowledge and technology transfer
Call for funding
Deadline for application: 31st August 2024

Big Science Common Market call

Call for expressions of interest from companies to join BSBF2024 and present their experiences towards a Big Science Common Market in Europe

The European Big Science represents a huge market of several hundred million euros per year, with significant potential impact and benefits for national industries.
Engaging in the Big Science market can provide significant opportunities for companies. These include the creation of innovative products and the development of the customer portfolio by offering such products to other Big Science Organizations (BSOs) or to the wider market. However, access to this market appears to be highly fragmented and uneven across BSOs. Differences may exist in the format and/or language of the offer, the payment procedures and insurance, the tender procedures and codes/product categories, the product/material specifications, the site conditions and installation rules, etc. This places a burden on companies who have to adapt their access to each BSO.

This call aims to collect the experiences of some prominent industrial actors who have been awarded contracts by different BSOs and then formulate a roadmap and suggestions for standardizing access procedures.

This action will benefit both the BSOs and the companies:

  • the BSOs will have a better understanding of the challenges faced by companies applying for their CFTs and will be able to adopt some common and more effective practices to facilitate access by companies, thus benefiting from a larger portfolio of companies and a more dynamic participation in their CFTs.
  • Companies benefiting from more standardized access procedures will increase their capacity to participate in CFTs from different BSOs, thus creating a real and effective common market.

BSBF Trieste 2024 then launched this Call for nominations (BSCM Call) to select industries that could present their experiences in the Big Science Market and formulate suggestions in a dedicated session, ensuring that one speaker for each selected company will receive a free pass to the BSBF2024.

Deadline for application: 18th June 2024

BSBF2026 call

Call for bids to become host of Big Science Business Forum 2026
Big Science Business Forum (BSBF) is a business oriented congress, focused on high technology and innovation with the aim to be the main meeting point between Research Infrastructures and Industry. It is a unique opportunity for European businesses and organizations to be fully informed and get involved in calls and competitions for a budget of Billions of euros per year, managed directly by the main Big Science Organizations located in Europe. BSBF has seen an increasing participation success in past editions, such as Copenhagen 2018 and Granada 2022. Encouraged by this, BSBF Trieste 2024 organizers are now inviting bids for hosting BSBF2026. Countries, regions, or cities across Europe are encouraged to submit bids to become the next host, according to the specific elements required in the BSBF2026 Call.    

Deadline for application: 4th June 2024

SME Track Call

Call of Expression of interest from national ILOs – Industrial Liaison Offers to involve Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in BSBF2024 – Big Science Business Forum

SMEs represent 99% of all businesses in the EU. They are often referred to as the backbone of the European economy, providing a potential source for jobs and economic growth. They are often well suited for the Big Science market. Experience shows that SMEs exhibit excellent flexibility to respond and adapt to specific challenging technical requirements of Big Science organisations in advanced technology procurements.

Aligned with the global purpose of BSBF2024 of strengthening collaborations between research organisations and industry, we will organise a specific SME Track with a twofold objective:

  • to make a case for how investing in the Big Science market is a means of growth for European SMEs, and can generate knowledge transferable to other market segments. To this end BSBF2024 will invite SMEs who have been successful in the Big Science market to present their success stories as a way to convey the message to the Big Science ecosystem, national authorities and European Commission;
  • to give SMEs with proprietary technology and/or capabilities which are deemed applicable for the Big Science market the opportunity to liaise with technical responsible from Big Science organisations to explore collaborations and business opportunities.  These SMEs would benefit from a privileged position to maximise their participation in BSBF2024.
New deadline for application: 9th January 2024


Call for expressions of interest from Big Science Organisations in Europe to become BSBF2024 Affiliated Big Science Organisations (ABSOs)

The BSBF is a business-oriented congress that brings together the main European research infrastructures and European industry to present and discuss the prospects of the Big Science market in terms of future developments, investments, and procurement opportunities.
The aim of ABSOs call is to bring to the table also those European or national research infrastructures that are not yet involved in the event. To qualify, these facilities must have a dedicated procurement budget for the period 2024-2028 and must be interested in communicating with industry about upcoming business opportunities and procurements that are open to European industry.
Research infrastructures selected through this call will present their projects and procurement plans in two dedicated parallel sessions, will have the opportunity to reserve a dedicated space in the exhibition area to showcase their activities, and will be available for networking with industry throughout the entire congress.

New deadline for application: 14th January 2024

Technology Transfer

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Women in Big Science

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.