BSBF at the Swedish Big Science Forum in Lund
The Swedish Big Science Forum, a key bridge connecting Swedish industry, universities and research institutes with international research organizations, took place on January 31 and February 1 in Lund, Sweden. The Swedish Big Science Forum supports contributions to ground-based Big Science facilities, focusing on high-tech innovations that drive research, collaboration, and generate economic opportunities for Sweden. The Forum has been promoted by Big Science Sweden.
The forum spans two days, with the first featuring an intensive program of presentations and seminars, an exhibition with Swedish high-tech suppliers, and numerous opportunities for spontaneous and pre-arranged one-to-one matchmaking meetings. The second day is dedicated to AIMday (Academic Industry Meeting day) which facilitates knowledge exchange between academics and non-academic organizations, driving innovation forward. Paolo Acunzo, BSBF Trieste 2024 Director (ENEA), participated in both days program and presented activities for the Big Science Business Forum (BSBF) to almost 200 companies in an intensive program featuring presentations and seminars. Many Swedish companies expressed their interest in those activities and announce to participate in BSBF Trieste 2024.
This was an important opportunity for Big Science Business Forum (BSBF) to engage with Swedish and international companies and academic institutions. This engagement is particularly significant, with many expressing keen interest in participating in the upcoming BSBF 2024, to be held in Trieste (Italy) October 1-4, 2024. BSBF2024 is set to be a significant forum, offering insights into investments and procurements of leading Big Science Organizations like CERN, ESA, ESO, ESS, ESRF, F4E, FAIR, ILL, XFEL, and SKAO, aiming to attract a broad spectrum of businesses and stakeholders, fostering engagement in the science and technology sector.