
Project Manager and Technical Officer for CRYOPLANT & FUEL CYCLE
Josep Benet is an experienced project manager and technical officer with a strong background in the fields of Manufacturing technology applied to cryogenic, nuclear, tritium, and vacuum technology. He is currently working as a Project Manager and Technical Responsible Officer for the Cryoplant and Fuel Cycle Programme at Fusion for Energy (F4E), the European Domestic Procurement Agency for ITER, and also holds the position of Program Manager Deputy. In this role, he has managed projects with budgets exceeding 40 million euros and has extensive experience in public procurement procedures.
One of the most challenging and rewarding projects that Josep has managed at F4E is the design, fabrication of the Front End Cryopump Distribution System and the MITICA Neutral Beam Cryoplant for ITER. These systems are essential for creating and maintaining the vacuum conditions inside the fusion reactor and the neutral beam injectors, which provide the heating power to the plasma. Josep considers them as instances of the cross-disciplinary collaboration needed for fusion projects.
Josep holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universitat Polit鑓nica de Catalunya (ETSEIT), as well as a Master’s degree in Industrial Project Management. He also has a post-graduate degree in Total Quality and Excellence Management from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).
Josep is passionate about contributing to the development of fusion energy, a clean and sustainable source of power for the future. His goal is to help F4E’s business partners to deliver the required equipment to ITER, the world’s largest fusion experiment, while gaining expertise and creating the business environment and supply chains to foster innovation in fusion technology.
With his 12 years of experience in F4E, Josep can help industrial partners to understand the opportunities and challenges of fusion related projects, and to meet the high standards and expectations.