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Inside BSBF2024: Interview with Big Science Organisations [Video]

Exploring the Importance of a Unified European Market for Big Science and Industry

On October 2nd, 2024, during the recently concluded Big Science Business Forum in Trieste, we conducted a series of exclusive interviews. Among the main protagonists of the 2 October Plenary Session, we asked leading figures from Europe’s most important Big Science organisations (BSOs): ‘How important is it for your organisation to strengthen a single European market for Big Science and industry?’.

The answers highlight the critical role that collaboration plays in promoting scientific research and innovation in Europe. Here is what the main leaders had to say:

  • Marc Lachaise, Director General of Fusion for Energy, explains the advantages of a single European market to advance fusion energy projects.
  • Jörg Blaurock, Technical Director of FAIR, talks about the impact of shared research initiatives in fostering international collaborations.
  • Carole Mundell, Scientific Director of the European Space Agency (ESA), talks about the key role of cooperation in space exploration.
  • Philip Diamond, Managing Director of SKAO in Australia, talks about the global importance of European partnerships in scientific enterprises.
  • Christopher Hartley, Head of Industry, Procurement and Knowledge Transfer at CERN, explains how procurement processes are strengthened by a unified market approach.
  • Helmut Schober, Director General of the European Spallation Source ERIC, emphasises the importance of industrial cooperation for scientific discoveries.
  • Nicole Elleuche, CEO of European XFEL, emphasises the need for streamlined collaboration to maintain European leadership in research
  • Mark Robert Johnson, Partnerships and Communication of ILL – Institut Laue Langevin, emphasises how partnerships between science and industry fuel innovation.
  • Jean Daillant, Director General of ESRF – The European Synchrotron, stresses the importance of cross-border collaboration for progress in synchrotron science.
  • Xavier Barcons, Director General of the European Southern Observatory, shares his ideas on how a unified market can foster cutting-edge astronomical discoveries.

Watch the video to hear more from these experts on the impact of #BSBF2024.

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