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Technology Transfer Track Posters

Steinbeis-Hub Berlin

Transfer and transformation for business and science

According to the European Commission for Research and Innovation, about half of Europe’s researchers work for the private sector. It seems to be assumed that the private sector is adequately equipped to transfer its knowledge from research into society via its existing market. This assumption underestimates the challenges faced by enterprises in the EU innovation landscape. Turning research into impact is a cross-sectoral endeavour that demands supple and creative strategies for support regardless of the sector in which the knowledge originated.


At BSBF 2024, Steinbeis hopes to forge contacts to co-innovate novel transfer models specific to the Big Science sector, particularly from the perspective of private enterprise. We invite you to our poster so we can talk about creative routes to transfer and transformation, about knowledge and risk-sharing between the public and private domains, and the future in facilitating micro-entrepreneurship and lifelong learning in the Big Science arena.