Trieste has been chosen to host the next edition of the Big Science Business Forum (BSBF) in October 2024. BSBF is an international congress created as a meeting point between research and industry, fostering close collaborations between small and medium enterprises and the main European Big Science Organizations (CERN, ESA, ESO, ESS, ESRF, F4E, FAIR, ILL, XFEL and SKAO). BSBF debuted in Copenhagen in 2018, and after Granada in 2022 the project of the city of Trieste emerged as the winner for the third edition.
The project is the result of a collaborative effort involving Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Area Science Park, ILO Network Italia, the National Coordination of Industrial Liaison Officers (composed by representatives of CNR, ENEA, INAF, INFN) and PromoTurismoFvg.
Trieste’s candidacy was strengthened by the Trieste System: the whole region serves as a gateway to Central and Eastern Europe, where scientific institutions, universities, research centers, and international research collaborate. The Big Science Business Forum provides a unique opportunity to meet representatives from Europe’s Big Science organizations and their key suppliers, but also researchers and technology experts. Attendees can network and establish long-lasting partnerships via business-to-business meetings (B2B) and business-to-customer meetings (B2C), and companies can showcase their expertise and potential for the Big Science market by participating in the open exhibition area.
“A success for Friuli Venezia Giulia, and for the city of Trieste in particular, which once again becomes a protagonist of a top international event. Facilitating the intersection between the development perspectives of companies and the objectives of large research infrastructures means, in fact, giving a significant acceleration to innovation processes and economic development.” These are the words of the regional councilor for Labor, Training, Education, University Research and Family of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Alessia Rosolen, who personally intervened in Granada for the ceremony.