Juni Ferreira
Vacuum Group Leader
Marcelo Juni Ferreira received a B.S. in Physics and an M.Sc. in Materials and Fabrication Process Engineering, both from the State University of Campinas ミ UNICAMP (Brazil), and obtained a PhD in Materials Science Engineering from the Federal University of Sao Carlos ミ UFSCAR (Brazil). His professional career started at the Brazilian National Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS) in the Vacuum group, during the early design, construction (in-house), and operation phases. He left as Vacuum group head and member of the Direction Board of ABTLuS (the host organization responsible for LNLS) to move to the National Synchrotron Light Source-II/BNL (US) Vacuum group as a research engineer during the design and fabrication phases. After that, he joined SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US) to become the Head of the Vacuum Science and Engineering Department. Later, he joined the European Spallation Source ミ ESS (Sweden), where he became the head of the Vacuum Group and the Vacuum Integration Working Group Chair for IFMIF/DONES (ES). He is also a research fellow at LTH, Lund University (Sweden), and a guest researcher at the Physics and Astronomy Department at Uppsala University.