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Engineer, Super-FRS remote handling planning and design engineering GSI
Faraz Amjad is part of the Super Fragment Separator (Super-FRS) special installation group at GSI for FAIR. Born in Peshawar, Pakistan, in 1982, he obtained a Master’s degree in Machine Automation and a PhD in Machine Automation and Remote Handling from Tampere University of Technology, Finland, in 2009. His research was focused on CMM end effectors for ITER divertor maintenance system. As a Marie Curie fellow with the PURESAFE network, Faraz conducted PhD research focused on remote handling in the target area and pre-separator region of the Super-FRS at FAIR. He joined the Super-FRS special installation group at GSI for FAIR in 2016, where he has led projects such as the design and manufacturing of shielding flasks for transporting active parts, designing remote handling interfaces, and specialized hoisting sequences for handling activated parts. Currently, as member of Super-FRS team Faraz is involved in commissioning remote handling components for the target area, ensuring conformity for Super-FRS beamline components, and assisting in the specification, procurement, and development of remote handling systems for the Super-FRS pre-separator region.