Technology Transfer Track Posters
Compact RF fingers for upgraded synchrotron storage rings
The ESRF-EBS storage ring’s new vacuum chamber profiles require a sophisticated solution, and our RF fingers provide the optimal answer. Designed to both maintain superior vacuum conditions and ensure beam stability, these RF fingers have proven essential for the ESRF’s fourth-generation storage ring.
Key Features:
- Compact and Robust Design
- Optimised for Omega-Shaped Profiles
- High-Quality Materials
- Effective Impedance Reduction
Validation and Testing:
- Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
- Synchrotron Micro-Tomography
Our RF fingers are now operational in the ESRF’s EBS ring, demonstrating their capability in real-world applications. Designed to handle mechanical movements while maintaining continuity, they are essential for any modern, high-performance storage ring.
Technology classification:
Electrical, power electronics, electromechanical and RF systems